Thank you for speaking the truth as you see it and articulating it so well! I have a (belated) response to the same article you mentioned at the beginning of your piece: Safety Is Not a Virtue. Being new to Medium, I’d welcome any comments or critiques.
What’s most ironic to me, and I mentioned this in the post, is that coming from a fundamentalist Baptist background, I recognize my former self in certain aspects of the radical SJW movement. We used to frantically shelter ourselves and our children from “the world” meaning anything that went against our worldview, especially including sexual behavior and coarse language. Some people went so far as to burn books or carry out rallies and protests to eliminate the “threat.” A few crazies even got violent and killed abortion providers; but most were more subtle and used legislation as a weapon. Now any language or behavior that goes against the SJW agenda is a “threat” that people must be protected from, up to and including the destruction of the people using it, by law if possible and by violence if necessary. It’s a case of bizzaro deja Vu.